Working from home has succeeded in becoming a popular alternative to traditional work involving an office or a facility. This is due to an increase in workers’ time flexibility, ability to manage their household, and create a more relaxed work environment. Without question, this option is viewed as a great way for workers to keep their jobs and income. But without the hassles of our modern-day issues, such as the ongoing pandemic. However, the question that remains on the minds of managers, supervisors, and those further up the work food chain is whether remote workers are actually more productive with their days, or simply work longer hours.
The Truth About the Productivity of Remote Workers
The truth is, it all depends on the remote workers themselves. It depends on how much teamwork their jobs require in order to complete the tasks set before them. Those that require greater teamwork (preferably in-person teamwork), or struggle to maintain a decent internet connection, for example, have not fared well at their jobs when working from home.
According to Forbes, just 16% of the working population who currently works from home is considered a “Thriving Employee”. This means that these employees greatly prefer working from home to working in an office any day of the week. They see this stint in working from home as a benefit to their job and home life. Also, according to Forbes, another 23% of the work-from-home population actually don’t see it as ideal but view it as something they will work with for now until things get better in the world.
Understanding the Statistics
For those who thrive in a work-from-home environment, life couldn’t be better! According to the 2019 State of Remote Work Report, roughly 91% of those surveyed stated they prefer working from home or remotely due to a more positive work-life balance. 79% also stated that working from home gave them greater focus and productivity. Another 78% of those surveyed stated that working from home was less stressful than working in an office. Lastly, another 78% loved avoiding the work commute altogether.
In fact, the only members of the workforce that do not agree fully with the benefits of working from home are the managers, supervisors, and other higher-ups who manage the employees below. This is out of fear that their employees are somehow not doing the work required of them due to not being constantly watched like they were in an office setting.
According to Forbes, the management of remote workers working from home is actually simpler than it sounds. It all boils down to making sure to set up expectations for the work of every employee in accordance with their roles in the workforce. Ensure good communication between all employees and their respective supervisors and managers, monitor and define what productivity looks like when working from home. Also, keep track of results rather than micromanaging every step of the way.
Keep all of these areas in mind when it comes to the productivity of your remote workers. Know your employees and their working habits. This will ensure continued success within the company in spite of whatever the world throws at it.
So…are remote workers working hard or hardly working? The consensus is yes, they are in fact working harder due to a less stressful work environment–their own house! In short, the higher-ups shouldn’t worry much about whether their remote workers are doing their job in a timely fashion. They should instead focus on making sure they have clearly defined expectations for productivity. They should also make sure to properly communicate with all members of the company.
Until the world gets back to normal, the employees happily working from home will continue to work for their companies. Need more information about how we can help you and your remote workers? Contact us today!