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5 Ways to Earn More Cross-Channel Customer Reviews

Nathan Johnson - February 9, 2022 - 0 comments

Customer reviews are an important and ever-growing part of your brand. Your company’s online presence exists almost entirely through platforms where reviews and word of mouth really matter. Modern customers trust each other more than a corporation’s word about its own value, which is why customer reviews are so important to your brand reputation and reach.

The more great reviews you have, the more new clients will be able to trust your brand and choose to purchase with confidence. After all, hundreds of positive reviewers couldn’t be wrong. But if your brand does not yet have the few hundred reviews to build that momentum, how can you get started? How can you turn your current customer reviews and customer base into a growing selection?

Make use of the leading tactics for building customer reviews across all of your reviewable channels.

How to Earn Cross-Channel Customer Reviews

Encourage Reviews with Product Inserts

While many platforms do not allow open promotions about reviewing or inviting customers to review. Of course, the best time to catch your customers is right after they complete a purchase or service. The best way to catch them is through a simple in-the-box insert. Include a cheerful card that asks if users are fully satisfied. Direct theme to your customer service if they need help and suggest they leave a review if they have something nice to say.

Thank Customers for their Reviews

When someone leaves a review on any one of your channels, remember to thank them. Positive customer reviews may come in droves, but every voice matters. Thank each reviewer for taking the time to share some thoughts about their experience. For an advanced trick, don’t automate your thanks. Write something thoughtful and original every time to build a customer relationship.

Reward Reviews Hosted and Posted on Your Website

The best place to provide some reviewing incentive is on sales through your own platform and transactions you control completely. This way, you don’t have to worry about collaboration with the platform or fairness of reviews between yourself and other brands. If you want to provide review rewards generally or just for the most detailed and honest work, you can do this through your own website and review platform.

Spotlight and Pin Your Best Detailed Reviews

If you want to get more customer reviews, show that you appreciate the reviews you’ve been looking for. Take your most detailed and cool review and turn it viral by sharing it with the community. Show your reviewers that you care and that their review might be seen in the next spotlight. Many people are inspired to review when they realize that their voice will indeed be heard, no matter what they have to say.

Why Positivity is Elusive

The single biggest challenge in building more customer reviews across any channel is the elusive positive review. Everyone wants to review when something has made them angry. From the disappointment of a damaged item to the outrage of wrong order, people review when they’re mad.

The trick is to inspire, amuse, and invite your audience to review when they are delighted. Loving a new product is distracting and enjoyable enough that no positive words feel needed. Most new customers don’t realize how helpful a review can be until they get a quick follow-up email.

Key Takeaway

Are you ready to boost your customer reviews across all your social channels? Social proof is an essential part of modern customer service. You can start a growing momentum where reviews inspire new reviews with the right review-building strategy. By encouraging, and responding to reviews, you show the audience that you care. Contact us today to hone your review nurturing strategy