One of the most common misconceptions about owning a small business is that you can’t have a proper, well-designed website. While many businesses like you might opt for something easier to manage like Facebook or Twitter, you can take advantage of looking polished and professional. Here are some tips on creating, managing, and promoting your small business website.
Useful Tips for Your Small Business Website
When creating your small business website, consider your audience. If you’re a business consultant, you may want to steer clear of flashy, bright colors and anything that could divert attention from your goal. The flashy, bright colors might be more well-suited for fashion bloggers and travel agents.
Another thing to think about is the navigation system. Many websites fail to draw and keep traffic because let’s face it, it’s pretty hard to navigate. What good is your website if a potential customer can’t find your contact information or what your business is about? Make it clear and simple.
If your industry relies on regular updates on trends and information, it would be smart to go in that direction. It will take more than five minutes of research, but it will be worth it.
Also known as search engine optimization. This management tool is highly recommended if your goal is to increase traffic. It’s not as simple as a basic keyword though. Consistently updating your keywords is vital. So be sure you are researching and making sure those words are the best fit for your small business website. As a result, your website will move up in the Google ranks.
Analytics is not just a big fancy word for big fancy businesses. It can be a small, useful tool for you, too. When you look at your analytics, you’re not only looking at traffic numbers, but you’re looking at what aspects of your website are working and what are not.
For example, if you run a blog on your site, those analytics can help you determine which of your posts are the most popular down to the least. Based on that data, you can consider future posts and what your audience enjoys reading.
Promoting your website is not a one-and-done deal. It takes a little bit of work, but again, the process is worth it.
Social media is all the rage these days. Choose one or two platforms when you start. Think about the kind of content you’ll post there. Be sure you’re including a call-to-action to encourage potential customers to interact with your website.
Pro-tip: If you easily run out of time to complete tasks, think about using a scheduler to ensure that you are posting to your social media consistently. Some of these schedulers even have their own built-in analytics system.
When promoting, your audience is key. Ask yourself these following questions:
- Who is my business geared towards?
- What can I offer them that’s unique to anybody else in my industry?
- How can this benefit the customer in the long run?
These questions will push your website (and social media) to a larger audience.
In terms of what platform to use, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. Twitter is used for quick, short updates while Facebook is used for larger promotions such as giveaways, tips and tricks, and video streaming.
There is another platform that most people don’t think about; email marketing. This will keep your audience on their feet, and they’ll look forward to hearing from you on a regular basis. Email marketing can include inside updates, exclusive content, and freebies. Just like social media and blogging, it’s important to include a call-to-action so that your audience knows what to do with the information they’ve been given.
If you need help growing and promoting your small business website, look no further. We have resources that can help you succeed. Feel free to contact us today.