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Rock the Big Client Presentation: 4 Tips to Dazzling the Decision Makers

Nathan Johnson - December 3, 2020 - 0 comments

You’ve landed the opportunity to speak and present your offerings to a game-changing client. Now you’re preparing for that boardroom presentation, and you know you have to bring your A-Game. You are confident that what your company provides is valuable and a best fit option for them. How you present this information can make or break the deal.

You’re aware of the importance of a firm handshake and purposeful eye contact. You have a plan to ask for the business and outline the next steps to channel their decision making. You’ve presented before, and no one knows how to discuss your offerings better than you. But, maybe you are looking for an extra edge for this presentation. Here are four tips to ensure you dazzle the decision-makers, make a lasting impression, and land the business.

Organization of Information
In preparing for the meeting, organize your conversation delivery to mimic that of a strategic conversation. Introduce the members to you, your company, and success stories. Set the expectation for duration of the discussion, topics you’ll review and how you plan to bring value. While the client may have done their homework on your company and services, don’t assume they know everything. This is your opportunity to showcase what you’re bringing to the table, in the best light, and from your perspective.

Extra Tidbit: Even if you plan a digital slideshow, create colorful handouts, and include page break blanks to keep them from glancing ahead. Bring enough handouts for everyone, and a few extras should additional members join at the last minute. Be sure the handout cover displays their company information only. This will indicate the presentation is customized for them. Should your handouts be lying around on desks after you leave, any competitors coming in won’t immediately recognize it’s your information either.

Don’t Come Empty-Handed

Don’t assume that your competitors haven’t been given a similar opportunity to present their information. Consider all options that would identify you as a distinguishable partner. Bring bagels or donuts with you for a morning presentation. If you’re delivering your discussion over a lunch hour, bring a platter of sandwiches or meat and cheese for easy snacking during your talk. You’ll find they’ll remember you for your generosity and attentive preparedness. In general, everyone appreciates an edible offering.

Extra Tidbit: Be mindful of health-conscious members who may have dietary needs that can’t be met with doughy goodies or dairy. If you’re not sure, it’s safe to bring fruit or veggie trays as an alternative.

What to Wear

It’s always best to dress the part, but how should you dress to impress? Depending on your particular service or product, it’s best to stick with your industry’s best practices. If you usually don’t wear a suit, don’t start today either. You want to be well dressed, no jeans, for example, but avoid baiting and switching by suiting up for the presentation, but showing up for additional meetings in business casual. Stay true to what is your best, in your industry. Now, of course, if you’re in a suited environment daily, you’ll want to stay suited.

Extra Tidbit: Be pressed, clean, and free of lint, hairs, or wrinkles. Stay tucked in and avoid crazy colors, unless of course, bright colors fit your personality. Remember, they’ll make their decision based on your services, but also with whom they want to work with ongoing. Make sure your appearance implies an approachable, authentic, partner in business.

Don’t Forget the Swag

Ensure your company’s brand is being represented in your absence and leave behind any promotional products you may have available. Coffee mugs, pens, portable chargers, and wearables are always welcome. Know that your competition plans to leave something behind too. Choose to bring and leave your best.

Extra Tidbit: Think outside the box for useful promotional products and not items that are easy to discard. Get creative and bring a few company-branded umbrellas with you on a rainy day. Wait until the end of your presentation to announce you’ve brought extras. It will help end the conversation on a positive note and with you giving away freebies.

Make use of these tips and hit a home run! Stay confident in your preparation, introduction, and delivery. For more small business presentation tips or to learn how to leverage your digital marketing to get more opportunities to present, contact us!

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